17 February 2025, Monday


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We recruit highly qualified lawyers with a commitment to professional growth, vision, determination and drive. We welcome lawyers who are international in outlook and who possess a high degree of integrity, initiative, maturity and ingenuity. At ALMT Legal, lawyers are offered the opportunity to develop and strengthen these qualities through training, mentoring, evaluation and advancement. There is ample opportunity to gain global experience and work on cutting edge deals. We encourage lawyers to be actively involved in their own development and take advantage of resources and opportunities provided to achieve their professional goals.

Experienced Lawyers

Our commitment to expansion means there are ample opportunities for experienced, ambitious and talented lawyers to join the ALMT Legal team. We welcome contact from lawyers looking for a change and offer opportunities to join the ALMT Legal team at all levels of the partnership.

Foreign Lawyers

We encourage foreign lawyers with an interest in India or the Indian market place to make contact. We offer opportunities for secondment and short-term placements and welcome the diversity an international team brings to the firm.


The ALMT Legal Internship program seeks bright, talented students who are at the top of their class and possess strong interpersonal, leadership, writing and analytical skills. Interns perform substantive legal work, receive extensive training and timely feedback and have ample opportunities to socialize with lawyers. Their experience closely mirrors life as a junior associate, and the program is geared to give ALMT Legal Interns a realistic view of the legal profession. The ALMT Legal Internship Program is also one of our primary sources for recruiting entry-level associates.

Support Careers: Legal Secretaries | Paralegals | Finance | Information Technology

We value support staff and consider them and integral and valuable part of the firm. Various opportunities to support the growth of an expanding legal practice exist.

If you are interested in joining the ALMT Legal team, in whichever capacity, please email careers@almtlegal.com or contact any of our offices directly.